June 8, 2010

Modern Museum in Prague

After the Modern Museum in Austria I was feeling a little disheartened about modern art in general. Fortunately the modern Museum in Prague is incredible. After four hours of walking, I still missed an entire flight and a half of work.
By the way, the panorama above is an entire room of Picassos, eat your heart out.

These next two are Kupkas. I never appreciated his work until I saw it in person.

My favorite print maker from art history is Mucha, who is from Prague. I went to the Mucha Museum the first week here, but I was unable to take photos. Here is an incredible painting by him.

The Czech art was the most breathtaking to me. Aside from Mucha, I'd never heard about Czech painters.

Below is a Seurat.
"Jay, that's a Monet, that's a Cezanne, and behind you, that's a Van Gough."

And lucky me, another Klimt!
The museum had a mind-blowing collection, especially considering the number of years it was restricted in collecting (Nazi and Communist control back to back). I only posted my favorites, but if you come to Prague, you absolutely can't miss this museum.

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